Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

the moon and the star

when i see the sky up there,
i see the moon so bright, and this star...
just this one star accompany the moon in the dark sky which there's nothing up there..

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

my hamsterr

masih inget hamster gw yang dulu? "psycho sex maniac cold blood hearted killer" ??
sekarang dia sudah tumbuh besar, makin lama makin besar tubuhnya..
overweight gitu...gak tau ya orang lain punya hamster segitu gedenya apa enggak...
itu dia si "psycho sex maniac cold blood hearted killer" yang ada di tangan saya itu dia....
kalo foto yang berdua...nah that's him in the right..
and the left, that's newcomer... dulu nya kecil banget, kaya tikus gitu kecil
mungil mini banget deh.. trus ya dikasih makan gendut loh! kayanya smuanya serba overweight deh..
yang gw kasih makan tuh semangka, markisa,kacang mede,kacang biasa,makanan hamster,sama mangga..
tuh my hamster is so damn healthy
that's why they're overweight!!
nah si kecil ini, si newcomer, i think she's gonna die like the first one, die cause of the male hamster rape her until die... (sexual harrasment for animal until die)
eh ternyata gak loh!!! mereka jadi kaya best friend gituu!!! bobo nya bareng, suka bareng2an,,,
sampe2 gw pikir... "actually is this newcomer hamster is a she or a he?"
sampe skrg gw ga tauuuuuu,.,,, hahahaha, nah ini dia, the bottom down is the newcomer hamster..cute eeh??

this affection

i smile because of you
i feel happy it's all because of you.
dear, wish you were here and i will show you how much you mean to me.

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

bendera inggris kayanya lagi ngetrend

14 more days holiday over..yesss!
damn boring this holiday..too long..1 month of holiday and doing nothing, just wandering around go to mall,,hhh
ohya, btw i found this shirt finally.. even the one i want not like this but it's okay..
still with the british flag....
i'm gonna find the blazer or the jacket one..or the scarf with this british flag ^^ yeah..