Rabu, 18 November 2009

18 november 2009

semua berawal dari yang namanya twitter.
sejak gw uda mulai bisa main twitter, seneng deh.
nah ada ceritanya nih satu ...
jadi twitter kan uda melala lelang di kelas gw.nah jadi ceritanya di suatu malam, pas gw lagi tidur-tiduran sambil melihat twitter..
ada tweet yg bertuliskan " bb gw ilangggg!!".
gw liat siapakah itu... ternyata mel_fox.
gw mikir dong langsung,, najis nih si mel, pake fox-fox an segala.pasti merasa seperti megan fox.
tadinya sebelom bales, pengen gw tweet in " najes lo mel, fox,lo pikir megan fox? hahaha"
tapi gw berfikir ulang, dan akhirnya membatalkan niat jelek tersebut,
ganti akhirnya gw nge tweet " gilaaaa!!! kog bisa mel?"
abis itu dibales donk katanya jato dari mobil kalo gak salah...
nah dengan pedenya gw bales lagi " mel,,lo parah bgt sih, kayanya sial bgt masalah hp, gak ilang lah gak rusak lah."

tiba2 dibales dgn singkat padat dan jelas " ini angelrosel siapa ya sebenernya?" dan tweet temen gw yg mungkin juga temen mel_fox " kog kalian saling kenal?"

DEG! jantung gw langsung srasa mau berenti mikir, gak mungkin si iphi gak kenal, scara kita satu jurusan.lalu siapa yg gw tweet dari tadiii!!!!!!

abis itu setelah gw liat fotonya dari komputer,,,
JRENG JRENG.... gw ga tau itu siapa.

in the end gw minta maaf jelasin kalo gw pikir itu temen gw.gila malu abis.

Senin, 16 November 2009

merasa seperti tak punya keluarga,
smua serba sendiri.dia pun makan sendiri, menyiapkan apa2 sendiri.akupun sama,dan dia pun sama.
bertiga? tapi bukan bertiga.apa ini?mana bahagia dari keluarga?
tak ada.atau belum? mungkin tak ada.

Selasa, 10 November 2009

11 november 2009

setelah melihat2 blog gw yg dulu2..
kangen juga masa-masa gila dimana kelucuan semua ada. apa karena gw yang ngerasa bosen ya? hmm kayanya pikiran bosen harus dihilangkan deh!
so btw, hari ini tadi untuk pertama kalinya gw berenang di uph, dimana airnya yang butek nan keruh serasa gak pernah dibersihin.
mungkin dibersihinnya setaun 2 kali.parahhhh butek, tapi tetep aja berenang.wkwkwk
kata alex sih perih banget kalo gak pake kacamata brenang,
tapi ga tau deh apa kaporitnya ya? hmmmm

kenapa bisa tiba2 berenang? karena
1. bete
2. pengan olahraga tapi males yang berkeringat
3. gak panas
4. kayanya cepet nguras energi
5. bentukin badan.
6.gratis di uph.

hahahhaahha,asiknya berenangggg

10 november 2009

football match! hotel vs law -all semester, from semester 1 untill 7!
2 sets.1 set like 15-20 minute, hotel wear white uniform, law-dark blue
(but sadly, law win with score 1-0.)
dari gambar terlihat sebuah gedung yang ada atapnya kerucut kan, di gambar 1, itu gedung hotel, travel, sama hukum ^^

Senin, 09 November 2009

don't know why, don't know how,
but somehow, the thought of if losing you come.

Minggu, 08 November 2009

8 november 2009

berharap pada sesuatu yang belum tentu pasti dalam waktu dekat.
ingin sekali berharap, tapi takut jatuh .jatuh terlalu dalam yang menyebabkan kesakitan yang mendalam.
di 17 november ini akan berharap pada tanggal 20 november.

kejujuran yang menyakitkan.buat apa bohong kalau dua-duanya sama2 menyakitkan?
aku memilih jujur daripada bohong.tapi, terkadang orang lebih memilih kebohongan yang tak menyakitkan daripada kejuuran yang menyakitkan. apa bedanya? toh nanti kebohongan itu sendiri pada akhirnya akan berubah juga menjadi sesuatu yang menyakitkan.


saya akui mungkin dulu, saya termasuk dalam kata " aku ini monyet".
mencari kesenangan, dan tak mau bosan. dalam suatu hubungan dengan seseorang, tetap saja ku mencari kesenangan lain yang membuat tak bosan.istilah kata, mencari cari orang lain,tak begitu peduli dengan hubungan yang dijalani.
tapi apakah dengan bertambahnya umur atau aku pun tak tahu apa itu,
hubungan dengan seseorang yang sekarang ini dijalani, kujalani dengan sepenuh hati, tak ada perasaan ingin mencari kesenangan lain .aku peduli dengan saat ini, hubungan ini, ingin dijaga.
adik bertanya "selain dengannya,kamu dekat dengan siapa lagi?"
aku menjawab " tak ada, hanya dia.aku tak mau mencari orang lain.kurasa cukup sudah dengan yang ini.aku puas,cukup,dan senang dengan ini"
dengan bingung adik bertanya kembali "mengapa bisa begitu?kau berubah sepertinya"
lalu kubalas " tak tau, tapi aku bahagia."

Jumat, 06 November 2009

masa lalu.

oke, hari ini gw akan inget kalo lo bilang lo nyesel sayang ama gw.oke.jangan pernah nyesel buat ngomong kaya gitu.gw kesel banget sama lo.gak perlu kan ungkit2 masa lalu lagi

Kamis, 05 November 2009

days go by days, and my feeling go stronger.
my love goes more stronger for you.

know that not everytime can see, bt i believe, i'm holding on,i know that someday..

i'll hold ur hands tightly, never let you go.

so, dont ever let my hand go cause i know i cant ...without you.

knapa sih kelas gw dengan klas lain kalo ada pemberitahuan , klas gw kaya gak ada pemberitahuan gituu!
contohnya : si iphi bilang kalo taylor dateng ke kampus kita buat kasih tau kalo nanti kita lulus, kan masih gelar D4, nah nambah 1 tahun lagi di taylor university ( bisa nerusin hotel managment ato gak culinary) nah lulus S1 dan dapet 3 gelar! gelar uph, taylor, toulouse(paris- karna nanti ada bakalan 3 minggu di paris!asik bgt gak sihhh!)
gilaaa gw mau bangetttt!!!!!!!


gw juga dapet kabar yg bikin iri bangettt! kelas bartending si iphi hari ini, bukan blajar loh, tapiiii ke immigrant p.i! bayangkan ! pelajarannya di immigrant! nyoba minuman! walopun bayar sendiri, tetep aja asik kan!!! daripada klas gw bartending bener2 sumpek banget bosen, scara dosennya gak enak gitu, rese abis!
ipiiiii enak bgt sihh lo!!!!
5 november 2009

masuk kelas, si gaby tiba2 tanya "issei kecelakaan ya?" sambil kasih liat twitter yg bertuliskan there's blood all over my jeans.
gw pikir juga bercanda, tapi ternyata beneran donk..
jadi ceritanya mereka( issei, oki, andrea, jessi) abis dari dehooi,,chicken wings day..dimana 1 chicken wing cuman 800 perak!!!gilak gak! tadinya mau ikut tuh gw, cuman gara2 gak boleh pergi ama bokap, then ya dirumah deh gw..begitu pula juga dengan gaby dan melissa.
lalu kayanya mreka pulang agak pagi deh..nah katanya mobilnya di slip ama orang, di srempet gituuu lalu si issei banting setirnya dan berguling lah tuh vitara issei di udara sampai sebelum mendarat di tanah dengan posisi miring ke kiri(setir di atas) dan terseret.
posisi duduk issei tempat setir, jessi sebelah nya, oki di blakang jessi, andrea di blakang issei.
itu para 3 cowo sih gak knapa2..yg parah si jessi,, sampe 30 jaitan bo! gila bgt ampe pingsan gitu juga..katanya penuh darah dimana2.. gila kacau bgt deh..

god bless them all-

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009

28 october 2009

kmaren baru tidur 3 jam lebih dikit, soalnya jam 4 pagi udah mesti ba
ngun , mau ke pabrik minuman equil, natural mineral water
itu loh.. industry visit dari kelas bartending.
dari kampus ke sana kira2 skitar 2jam 30 menitan.sama juga
pas baliknya..itu di sukabumi..
tempatnya sih bagus kog,,, bukan gunung, tapi b
anyak pohonnya,,rumput nya juga ijo banget, trus bersih banget tempatnya..

di situ sih kita cuman liat gimana cara-caranya...perta
manya yah gw pikir kaya pabrik2 yg gede, banyak mesin2 gitu loh... ternyata gak donk, tempatnya sih emang gede, tapi mesinnya cuman beberapa kog trus bersih bgt, n bagus bgt....trus abis itu kita liat mata airnya....gak lgsg sih scara ditutup untuk umum cuman kita liat mata air yg uda kluar, yg utk publik, mungkin sisa2 alirannya kali ya yg ditampung di luarnya...
abis itu kita ada presentasi, trus uda slesai foto2, trus pulang deh..
pulang skitar nyampe rumah jam 3 an kalo gak salah inget, trus tidur nyampe jam 7! hahahaha
puas bgt tidur nya..

Sabtu, 24 Oktober 2009

you make me smile
you make me happy
ypu make me believe,
you make me something, good at class, not thinking about skipping class
you make me thinking of future
you make me loving you

25 october 2009

kmaren gw nonton tv, nah acara me vs mom yg family2 itu loh..tau gak? yg si ruben yg bawain acaranya...
nah pas gw ntn tuh lagi si manohara yg di kerjain gitu.
1. dia disuru yg kaya di puncak2 gitu loh " villa kosong......" bawa papan, angkat2, stiap ada mobil, digoyang goyangin.
2. pas udah dapet, ada dong kaya 1 ibu2 beserta keluarganya... nah di bawa masuklah ke villa tersebut..
liat2 kamarnya, kamar mandinya...
pas ke kamaranya..nah si anak dari keluarga ibu ini,,,
masuk ke kamar, nyalain lampu karna gelap. CLICK,
jeger!triak lalu pingsan seketika jatoh ke blakang(kaya dikartun2 kalo kaget lgsg pingsan)
knapa? karena dia melihat ada pocong2an yg penuh darah di atas kasurnya.

[di saat itu ya, pas tuh anak pingsan , gw langsung gak bisa berenti ketawa, itu lucunya parah,,,gw gak pernah liat donk ada orang saking kagetnya ampe pingsan.ya ampun, lucunya minta ampun!!!!!jahat bgt gak sihh gwwww haahhaha]

nah trus di manohara pnasaran kan ..ada apaan sih gitu kan...
lalu liatlah dia ke kamar ngecek,
baru masuk liat kamarnya, jeger! lgsg kaya agak gemeter yg kaget gitu langsung ngibrit ke ibu2 tu anak ketakutan.

huahauhauhauhaua ksian ya, dikerjain pake setan. gak bgt deh..serem

Senin, 19 Oktober 2009

20 october 2009

panas.terlalu panas.menyengat.
gila2an...global warming yang semakin parah.... gak ada angin, terik banget.serasa bisa pingsan pokonya .
mana bazaar2 yang di kampus cuman 2 booth doang yang jual es yang dingin2.aloha shave sama es doger.
kemana es mie????es buah?????kmana kaliann????

19 october 2009

22 days.goin thru.

planning to bangkok this end of the year.8 days.bangkok-pattaya-phuket.
actually want to go about 2
weeks ,bangkok-pattaya-phuket-malaysia-singapore.
but cant. they..as in older person told if thailand, just thailand.
well, sad? of course.but what can i do? nothing.still nothing. not capable of my own.
still havent.later will.
do i have to wait to see you, next year?yes i do.cannot not to see you.cannot not to miss you
sorry for maybe letting you down by my word of going there.
still study,so have to obey of all their word.because still with them. not because i dont want to, but they.the cause.
btw, zee avi. penyanyi malaysia yg gw juga baru tau kalo dia org malay.
lagunya boleh lah,,secara gw denger pertama kali yg bitter heart di mtv,
eh pas ke toko cd ada cd
nya, ya cobalah beli. boleh kog enak.
coba download aja. ada satu yg kocak bgt lagunya, judulnya kantoi.
beneran,itu lagu campuran bahasa inggris ama melayu. harus denger. agak aneh juga.wkwkwk

greys anatomy season 6 uda kuarr donk, tapi baru yang A. pengen ntn buruannnn, mesti beli dvd
nyaa... gila seru bgt itu film.makin lama makin sedih.bukannya makin seneng.hahahaha


Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009

17 october 2009

okelah, hari ini bisa jadi hari paling memalukan seumur hidup gw.
di mana di tengah jalan lagi jalan2 sama temen2 gw, kancing baju gw copot tak sengaja gara2 kesangkut tas yang ketarik.
bayangkan, 3 kancing baju dari atas.gw ga tau lagi deh tuh rasa malu kaya apa.mana di tangah2 orang yg lalu lalang.
mati de, malu bgt bgt

Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

16 october 2009

today my birthday. evven my dad at this time i still hvnt born yet.
this picture is just a slice a cake with sugar paste rose shape in it.
this slice i wanna give to you Y, as a slice after i give to my granma,dad and mom. =)

Senin, 12 Oktober 2009

front office. salah satu kerjaan yang gw gak bisa handle banget.
nelpon.angkat telpon. di telpon sama temen gw aja pake bahasa inggris gw masih " hah?what do u say? hah?sorry..?"
apalagi nanti gw magang.bisa dipecat dalam sekejap itu mah.
kaya tadi gw ada quiz..udah diafalin bener2.....
eh nyampe ditanya ama dosenya yg pura2 jadi tamu.. gw ngeblank..liat reservation form trus bingungmau nanya apaan.
gawat banget deh.kayany emag gak cocok kerja yang begitu2an,

btw 3 hari gw ultah, tapi gak se excited yang dibayangkan.taun lalu berfikir kalo di umur 20 ini bakal seru abis, party ampe gila, tapi ga taunya hm....temen2 deket gw gak ada smua tuh.
pada di LUAR NEGERI.
important ppl in my life smua di LUAR NEGERI.sedih bgt.so yang tersisa disini?yah ada juga yang penting..cuman jadi males kan ulang taun kalo kaya gitu.

tapi skrg gw blajar untuk tidak memikirkan hal2 sedih seperti itu.enjoy aja deh.
tapi tetep gw minggu ini akan pergi bersenang2,menghibur diri .

ohya!btw gila akhirnya gw bisa juga main twitter which gw uad berbulan2 yang lalu buat tapi tetep gak ngerti mainnya.akhirnya kmarin gw bisa mainnya!yeay!
13 october 2009

nice weather.nice clouds.nice atmosphere.
sitting in the corner of the class, blogging, enjoy the view outside campus, listening light of the skies by armin van buuren. my favourite.
thinking how weather lately been so nice while couple weeks ago been like hell.too hot.burning.
that picture is our UPH football field, and running track.and the girl in the picture? that is my friend, nidya.
still have 20 minutes break time before start housekeeping class.
i have a quiz today, front office quiz.reserving a hotel room. and i got 70(B)
quite satisfy,think about how i never put my attention in that class.
16 days. => 2weeks+2 days already last i saw you Y.
still have 106 days.i hope not that long.but who knows?
i miss your warmth around me.you know how i feel, i doesnt have to say it cause
pretty sure u know already.that there's not a day goes by that i don't think of you.


just a matter of time.everything about is just about the time.


Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

11 october 2009

shit. my obsession come back. i really really want have a trip to china!!omg.
i month in travelling in china, taiwan lalalalalala... arghhhh when i have holiday aboout 1 monthhhh!!!! do i have to wait after graduate? hikss.....

Minggu, 04 Oktober 2009

i have a plan. for 2011 hahahahahha
if have the money, going to los angeles,america. disneyland baby!
omg, wanna go there so bad.but also want go to taiwan.korea.bangkok.amsterdam.australia.venice.london.arghh too many want to go to many places..
graduate from university must find a job, save money for travelling many places..yes, that would be great. not easy i know, but will try. ^^
wanna come? =D
work hard, save money, travelling.

Jumat, 02 Oktober 2009

3 oktober 2009

wake up in the morning, feeling good about something.have to cook something cause there's no food at home to be eaten. how about my oxtail soup? hmm... or lasagna?
sleep around 10 hours more. been long time sleep around 3 am in the morning..
wish today a nice day .still thinking about going to cousins wedding.do i have to go? yes i think.but with who? dad?mom? i dont think so they gonna come. cause my dad eye.his right eye just get operation yesterday, and my mom? got a toothache yesterday also.
maybe gonna ask a friend to acc me.

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

4days already without you.
before, it was 122 days.till meet you..
now?4 days already...
i have a target,or i mean i wish less than 122 days to meet you again.
but i will count from 122 days again..so 122-4= 118 days..

god help me, =)
1 october 2009

october, finally came. wish this month wouldn't be boring..
erm, terus hari ini ngantuknya bukan main..bener-bener yang ngantuk parah, sampe nguap terus di kelas,,mungkin krna terlalu cape juga kali ya..
padahal cuman dapet daily job yg jadi waitress cuman layanin v.i.p and v.v.i.p di gedung dpr..gala dinner para menteri2 gitu..dikertasnya sih tertulis 1000 orang, cuman gak tau deh pas 1000 orang apa gak...cuman banyak abis gw liatnya..
and gila, pada blagu2 deh orangnya..nyebelin abis..yang bule2 ambasadornya sih mereka sopan bgt, yg laennya?cuih nyebelin..lumayan lah,first job gw,first salary gw..hehehe
nanti kalo ada lagi,mau lagi ah..asik bgt,gak bosen,,daripada gw harus dirumah,bete parah,
gilaa udah bosen bgt kehidupan kaya gini, pengen buruan magang deh ato gak buruan lulus, pindah negeri ,kerja,hidup sendiri ato bersama pacar ato bersama teman. emang sih gak gampang keliatannya, cuman kan at least gw kuar dari rumah ini.hhhh
wish me luck.
yg pertama sih..internship...come on..i cant wait for this..
tapi kalo amit2 ketok meja kalo ampe jakarta ato bali, ya ampun itu sucks banget, merana 6bulan.
cmon malay sing..please help me god.

Selasa, 29 September 2009

29 september 2009

hari berganti hari, september sebentar lagi akan berlalu.kenangan manis akan september sebentar lagi akan berganti oktober,entah apa yang ada di bulan oktober, aku pun tak tau.
aku tak mau tau, mungkin akan terlalu menyakitkan atau menyenangkan, aku tak mau tau.
mengingat smua knangan yang ada di september, sangatlah membuat bahagia, tapi juga membuat perih hati.
122 hari bisa kulewati, dengan susah payah kulewati.jika harus kulewati 122 hari lagi, ya aku bisa, walaupun penuh luka karena keinginan untuk bertemu, aku bisa.
betul kata seseorang,terlalu berlebihan, memakai hati.
bagaimana bisa? tak tau, tiba-tiba saja smua itu tumpah, seperti air yang sudah dijaga dengan baik, namun tetap saja terkena goncangan yang lembut dan membuat smuanya tumpah.
perasaan yang dijaga dengan ketatnya,agar tak terlalu berharap, namun tetap pada akhirnya semua gagal, perasaan itu meledak dengan sendirinya, penuh harapan, harapan yang tak pasti namun dipercaya, berusaha untuk bertahan akan rasa cinta.
cinta yang menyakitkan hati,cinta yang tak ingin berpisah, cinta yang ingin bertemu, cinta yang lembut, cinta yang membuat jarak, cinta yang membuat gila.
berat,tapi aku bertahan,aku percaya,aku berusaha,bagaimana dengan kamu?
aku akan menunggu,sampai bisa bertemu kembali, aku akan menunggu.apapun arti yang dimaksud menunggu, aku akan menunggu, aku janji, tapi akankah kamu mau?
semua berarti kalau kamu mau. ada di pilihanmu, sekarang aku hanya menunggu kamu akan mengatakan apa.
cinta.itu benar,rasa yang ada padaku untukmu
kutau kalau ku tlah benar-benar jatuh cinta.

Minggu, 27 September 2009

letting you go, behind the glass. i lie if i say i say goodbye to you with big smile.
small smile,holding tears drop hope you cant see how sad i am,
going to miss you more bad than before after this day.
thank you for this 5 days, full of happiness, laugh, love, crazyness.
will never say goodbye cause i know i will see you again.
keep missing you until the time we meet again
27 september 2009

haven't write about 9 days? been busy lately.not of study, not of homework, it just holiday.
really nice holiday i get this time.
holiday start at 19 september 2009.
doing nothing at that day until 22 septemebr 2009.22 september, cleaning my room, change bed cover, sweeping also.
23 september, going to airport pick up y.
23-27 spending time with y.been lovely day.
27 go to airport again, y going back.
now? at home. doing nothing, seing photo that i take lately.thinking about tomorrow class start again.holiday finish.

Jumat, 18 September 2009

18 september 2009

miracle.god helps me to wake up at 5.30 in the morning.i have class,chinese class at 7.15.
we're gonna have small test for today. arrive at school at 7.11!
the test have 4 part.part one is translate from english to mandarin.
for example : 1. coca cola = kekou kele. (seriously, this is weird, kekou kele??wkwk)
then the part two is conversation.
ex : A= ...............?
B= wo ye hen hao.
part 3! which i just fill one number from ten number.
ex: 1. he is not a doctor. (translate )
part 4! dictation!!! oh my god. hopefully what i heard and what i write is correct.
let see the result next two week!

holiday starts today! untill 27(sunday).
28 class start again.just one week study then i have midterm for one week from october 5-11.
and after that week, i have my birthday week at 16. october, huh.
wish days move faster except for 23-27(slow as it can be).
cause i want to be in next year.iinternship,work.6 months.
cmon,help me god so i can get the job for my intern in you know where i want to.
5 more days.
with you.
belajar dari pengalaman,jangan terlalu buka hati lebar-lebar buat orang lain.kenapa?hampir kebanyakan hati itu bakalan terluka.sama aja kalo ngomong masalah suka.suka sama orang nyenengin hati banget.seneng banget,iya gak?pasti berbunga-bunga terus.tapi kalo udah ditambah air mata, itu semua udah berubah ke cinta.bener apa enggak?gw juga gak tau sih .cuman, apa yang gw rasain ya seperti itu.sakit.seneng.sakit.seneng.ini kedua kalinya gw terlalu suka sama orang.bukan kedua kalinya gw sayang orang dan kehilangan, tapi suka sama orang yang gw mati-matian tahan rasa sakitnya , seakan gak ada walaupun kerasa banget di sini.sakit.air mata gak tau udah berapa kali jatoh.
walaupun gw kira-kira tau akhirnya mungkin kaya gimana, cuman boleh kan berharap?
boleh kan?seenganya, boleh kan kalo gw berharap setidaknya gw bisa muncul di hati lo walaupun itu hanya titik kecil yang berada di noda besar orang lain buat di hati lo?

Rabu, 16 September 2009

from the morning.
even standing up is hard.why? i don't know. maybe late of having meal? i dont think so.
already eat medicine, but still .

Selasa, 15 September 2009

i had fun with motorcycle lately.before i drive this thing, usually i walk if i want to go somewhere near home.or with a bicycle.since the bicycle has pass to my nephew, then i dont have it again.

this i picture i take from google, but yeah, it's my bike before,the different just the colour.mine is red.
and every friend of mine hang out at my house, they usually want to ride my bike.is it fun? for me,not too.maybe when i'm 15 yeas old yes it is fun, after that..no.

and now, the motorcycle or the scooter..is just like this..automatic.just put the key, switch on, then press start.voala!

what if..
i'm afraid
of losing you.
i just cant imagine.
lately this weather almost kiling me. i check at yahoo weather cast, and it shows about 37-40°C degrees! it's feel like sunbathing in a desert.
become worst everyday. suppose it's rainy season at indonesia at september, isn't it? but where is the rain?????!!! i need rain!!!! do i need like ancient when they need rain, they sacrifice something, do i need like that?? hahahahahaha,scary if like that.

pleaseee...let it rain god, give us one more rainy day.it's too damn hot here

Senin, 14 September 2009

15 september 2009

god,this is the second week i was late to class.again. wake up at 8.30 which my friend call to wake me up,but still.after saying "yeah, i wake up now.bye" i go to sleep again.
i have this problem of waking up since in high school.so i arrive in class with hungry stomach, pale face of shock cause late,in rush, messy hair. argh,i don't care anymore as long i enter class and be absent!

8days,one week plus one day more.
thinking how fun could it be, how sweet would it be.oh god, please make this memorable,unforgetful,you know..something that could be sweet loving passion things?
many birthday coming up o september , october, the most december.
so yesterday, when i walk with a bunch friends, i realize one of us missing.the korean girl.
i ask to ibo ''hey, where is ha nul kim? why she's not at class today?"
" ha nul going to korea." she said.
me,shockingly hear what she said cause last time last holiday she going back to korean already..it's like three time going back korea.omg, go there not cheap!expensive!about 8 million maybe?
"what???! she's going to korea again???? for what?!holiday even not start yet!" i said
"her boyfriend birthday,she want to go back there so she can celebrate with him.crazy huh." ibo say to me.
seriously it's crazyyyy...korea to damn far!it's like 24hour to go there..or less...but still far far far!
arghh i'm jealoussss.....
gaby also..she said to me, she going to malaysia like 3oktober? just one day celebrate birthday with her boyfriend?then going back at 4? haiz..

Sabtu, 12 September 2009

Sempurna by- andra and the backbone
kenapa sih ini lagu enak banget....salah satunya dari sekian ribu lagu indonesia yang gw suka.

kau begitu sempurna
di mataku kau begitu indah
kau membuat diriku
akan selalu memujamu

di setiap langkahku
ku kan selalu memikirkan dirimu
tak bisa ku bayangkan
hidupku tanpa cintamu

* janganlah kau tinggalkan diriku
takkan mampu menghadapi semua
hanya bersamamu ku akan bisa

kau adalah darahku
kau adalah jantungku
kau adalah hidupku
lengkapi diriku
oh sayangku kau begitu
sempurna, sempurna

kau genggam tanganku
saat diriku lemah dan terjatuh
kau bisikkan kata
dan hapus semua sesalku

Kamis, 10 September 2009

11 september 2009

lately almost everyday i update this blog, feel like into this things.bored of browsing songs which nothing new has come out, also bored of facebook.yesterday i meet my sister at mall after class then we have lunch together.finally i eat fried bun with sweet and sour crab souce, accompany ice honey peach tea.sweet! we talk about many things.from boyfriend until girlfriend, family to friends, good to bad . then, luckily or unluckily i bring this notebook and open facebook again...
see her,see him,see many people that we talk about.

well today, chinese test cancel, second class cancel, third class cancel.
seriously, if this continue to next week, then, what do i get from studying in this university?
my dad pay alot for this! yea i know this fun, have no class so can go home faster, but, like this always i also dont want. like playing more, study less.

i been introduce to J last couple day. friend of a friend.
but i told already that i'm into someone right now. less or not,believe or not, i'm in love. someone far away.waiting to meet for the second time
Today i heard from some people,comment about myself. basically most of the comment is simple but mean(in bad way).
people said that when they first saw me when still not know each other, they will think of me as an arrogant girl with smug face. i had a smug face! seriously..most people said that.and i have an evil eye of looking people.
so.comment about myself from people when they saw me for the very first time wether in photo or in reality or just passing by.
1. smug face
3.evil eye
7.party girl

seriously.i'm not that kind. i am not!!! i dont know why they said like that,
but in the good way, they say something again,
"But, if you already knew her... she totally different from what we think.she's not like that."
see...? and totally different into :
1. nice

.but still...why ppl say i have smug face..i still cant believe..
oh the most unimportant things that my sister ex said that i have this kind of sensual flirting thing in my eye when i look at people and talk to them.
wtf!!!! seriouslyy.....
(y.....when u finally meet me, tell me all of this is true or not.)hhhhhh
love can be the most beautiful thing in this life,
but ,
can also be the saddest thing.
very, very sad.

this quote i took from a book title Abarat. when henry murkitt die,decide to suicide because of love.
what do you think of love?

Rabu, 09 September 2009

10 september 2009

update blog at class now.english class which is so boring. luckily this university have wifi internet every class, so i use this benefit as much as i can get.luckily i also bring my laptop,which every thursday gonna be boring day,unimportant subject.
still 45 minute to break.thinking of eating fruit which just last maybe for 39 minute, or eat vegetable which also can last maybe couple hour.btw, i gain weight 1 kg.also while listening to touch your button by wyclef jean feat will.i.am(nice song!) and all the time looking at phone wether there's message from someone far away there,(Y,still hasnt wake up?haha)

look around, infront of me, there's stevi with her lovely laptop,put all of her attention to play restaurant city at facebook.beside me, right.there's yoon young jae, silly cute teenager boy who like to flirt(used to get close long time ago,he's funny though,) and right now he also busy of putting his mind of rubrix.trying with all of his energy make all the cube same colour.ahahaha i try already and that's hard.
behind me there's gabriela,one of my circle friend at university,out of circle which is when we're not in university,we go each other way.mean? she hang out with i dont know who,me with other friends.like that. i don't know exactly what is she doing but i'm pretty sure she's now msn with her boyfriend which is already goin back to malaysia,kuala lumpur.he study there.
in my left? nothing.there's wall. i like to sit near wall.not like to get attention too much sit in the center.let me squeeze there.

Selasa, 08 September 2009

Pixie haircut❢❢❢

seriouslyyy i do want hair makeover!!!! pixie haircut is a trend for now right? most of my friend have this pixie style.. short and stylish. i really do want! i ask to many people how about this, and all of them, almost all of them said that my hair right now is the best, dont cut,dont change, they like it better now.perfection.beautifull.
i will think 10000000x times to make over my hair.at least i still have time untill this end of year, or maybe i gonna cut next year? still don't know. let see my insanity to keep this hair or let it go.
8 september 2009

still, cant wake up from sleep in the morning.i think i already late for four times in this week and last week.why? cause i'm too lazy open my eyes.thinking there's still time for lying on bed. so today i miss one class, which is bartending theory class. but i still go to campus for second class;front office practical which only for 1 hour. then for the third class which is housekeeping theory...the lecture didnt come! why? she visiting other lecture(young handsome lecture,the youngest than the other) because he was in hospital, operation.don't know why.


today Sucks.really... for the bad weather, which is really really damn hot. hot in jakarta and tangerang define by if you stand in one place which you can see the sky really long..just stand.i believe in half an hour u can pass out cause the damn hot. see, i can't stand anymore..
also BBM! why all the time it must lag when sending message!!

oh, i clean up my room also today..more clean and tidy..
before i clean my room, when i webcaming with Y, i show my room(the table especially), then guess what Y say?
look like after war, or world war -something like that.. hahahaha

Sabtu, 05 September 2009

6 september 2009

since it's 12.07 AM and my blackberry said already september of six.today is so fun, even i was late of waking up,,i sleep almost 14 hours dear said.and wake up because of message,which told me to wake up.see, i have to arrange my sleep time, can't continue like this forever.

today i just hang out with bunch of friends,having dinner,let the stress out. i've been thinking about buying polaroid,yes i will buy but dont know when..maybe next week or 2 more weeks.
webcaming with Y too,everytime chat make me happy,i don't know why but i will always laugh,it's good for me though. counting days too meet Y

Jumat, 04 September 2009

4 sept 2009

boring boring boring, sleepy sleepy sleepy! why every day so sleepy,even i have much sleep, but in time when i have to get up at 6 am, still cant get up.every day late to study for almost one hour.
i must change this,,schedule of my sleep time.
AJ Rafael

i hve been watching this guy singing on outube almost for one week,since melissa told me about him. he has good voice,kinda like ne yo or chris brown, kinda that..
i cant upload now, cause lately my internet connection damn slow for upload things.

if we ever- david guetta feat makeba

I've been fragile for a long time
A big old hole inside my heart
And I was searching through the valley
Stumbled on love in the dark

Was afraid to try but afraid to never know
What it feels like to be loved
Had a hill to climb
but the places we could go
Oh, I gotta know

So if we ever, fell in love
Would the wind know, would the _____ go, oh
So if we ever, fell in love
Oh, oh, oh

I was empty it was all gone
The birds would sing but made no sound
Till I met you, found I was all wrong
You picked me up right off the ground

Was afraid to try, and afraid i'd fall again
crashing down from the sky, you know
Had a hill to climb, but when_________
That's the one thing, we all wanna know

So if we ever, fell in love
Would the wind blow, would the ____ go, oh
So if we ever fell in love
Oh, oh, oh

I just wanna know, I just wanna know
tell me tell me so, baby I just wanna know
(repeat x4)

So if we ever fell in love
would the wind know, would the ____ go, oh
(yeah) so if we ever fell in love
Oh, oh, oh

So if we ever fell in love
oh, I wanna know what it feels lïke to be loved

Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2009

the moon and the star

when i see the sky up there,
i see the moon so bright, and this star...
just this one star accompany the moon in the dark sky which there's nothing up there..

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2009

my hamsterr

masih inget hamster gw yang dulu? "psycho sex maniac cold blood hearted killer" ??
sekarang dia sudah tumbuh besar, makin lama makin besar tubuhnya..
overweight gitu...gak tau ya orang lain punya hamster segitu gedenya apa enggak...
itu dia si "psycho sex maniac cold blood hearted killer" yang ada di tangan saya itu dia....
kalo foto yang berdua...nah that's him in the right..
and the left, that's newcomer... dulu nya kecil banget, kaya tikus gitu kecil
mungil mini banget deh.. trus ya dikasih makan terus..eh gendut loh! kayanya smuanya serba overweight deh..
yang gw kasih makan tuh semangka, markisa,kacang mede,kacang biasa,makanan hamster,sama mangga..
tuh my hamster is so damn healthy
that's why they're overweight!!
nah si kecil ini, si newcomer, i think she's gonna die like the first one, die cause of the male hamster rape her until die... (sexual harrasment for animal until die)
eh ternyata gak loh!!! mereka jadi kaya best friend gituu!!! bobo nya bareng, suka bareng2an,,,
sampe2 gw pikir... "actually is this newcomer hamster is a she or a he?"
sampe skrg gw ga tauuuuuu,.,,, hahahaha, nah ini dia, the bottom down is the newcomer hamster..cute eeh??

this affection

i smile because of you
i feel happy it's all because of you.
dear, wish you were here and i will show you how much you mean to me.

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

bendera inggris kayanya lagi ngetrend

14 more days holiday over..yesss!
damn boring this holiday..too long..1 month of holiday and doing nothing, just wandering around go to mall,,hhh
ohya, btw i found this shirt finally.. even the one i want not like this but it's okay..
still with the british flag....
i'm gonna find the blazer or the jacket one..or the scarf with this british flag ^^ yeah..

Kamis, 30 Juli 2009

it's like a plague

lately, so many people especially the girl...
break up, broken heart, cry out, missing, lonely.

i dont know why this happen, seriously...almost people i know, friend of mine..
most of them broke up with their lover..
simply a simple problem.. "can't do anymore" that's what they said..

is this middle of this year is the risk of a relationship??
i don't know, i can't answer..
because i'm no longer in that part of relationship..

enough of trying
enough of getting hurt
even tough i said it over and over..
getting hurt..
everywhere,inside and out
from every side of my mind
i can still feel it

this hope
a little hope
of being love by the one i love
i can"t trust
i wont open it, my heart
i'm scared, yes
scared of getting hurt
scared losing you
scared cant get you out of my mind,my head
even though i cant have you,

i close my eyes
those flashback, i can make it appear
when first saw you
never thought of getting know you
but we do
we do know each other finally

i close my eyes,
missing you like a crazy person miss their sanity
i close my eyes,
dreaming you so often
i close my eyes,
breathing in and out,picturing you
i close my eyes,
praying that could meet you
i close my eyes,
listen to the song you like,
i close my eyes,
read over and over text messages

this is my feeling
some fool secret that open her darkness box

next time

nanti, kalo kamu disini,
aku bakal ajak kamu liat ikan-ikan warna warni di sini
aku bakal ajak kamu jalan-jalan ke mal sana sini
aku bakal ajak kamu buat cobain abang ade
aku bakal ajak kamu buat hang out sama temen-temen deket aku
aku bakal ajak kamu makan pagi di pasar pagi makan nasi tim yg menurut aku enak bgt
aku bakal ajak kamu nonton movie
aku bakal ajak kamu liat kampusku seperti apa
aku bakal ajak kamu makan di pluit yang banyak makanan

boleh kan berhayal??
apa yg aku bakal kira-kira lakuin kalo kamu disini,

still my head and my heart keep tellin that i miss you

john mayer

hmm..pertama-tama lagi ngobrol di bb..biasa malem2 kerjanya bbm an..
hahahhaha, jadi gw lagi ngobrol sama anus nih...
namanya adrianus, bukannya anus..dipanggilnya gitu ..wkkwk
jadi lagi nanya2 ttg suka lagu apaan...
the script lah, suka gw...
katanya anus, kalo the script mah kalo lagi didenger pas patah hati, bisa bunuh diri itu...
pas gw pikir-pikir lagi..iya jugaaa yaaa...
liriknya sih gila yang cinta setengah mati gitu trus ditinggalin and harus move on gitu...
trus dia bilang mendingan john mayer...
enak lagunya, liriknya sedikit-sedikit,simple tapi menusuk di hati dari berbagai sisi..
gw search donk lagu-lagunya, iyaaaaaaa.... liriknya pendek-pendek gitu tapi dalem gitu...
sejak itu gw dengerin terus...hahhhaa tapi emang enak lagunya..
gw jadi demen john mayerrrrr....hohoho

30 agustus, kamis

udah dua hari berturut-turut gw masak sop buntut..kalo diitung2 udah berkali kali gw masak sop buntut.keahlian gw dalam membuat itu makanan saking seringnya buat..
bukannya gak mau buat yang laen..cuman setiap mau buat, pasti ada aja tu buntut muncul lagi dibeliin..
gak bosen apa ya makan itu mulu..gw sih gak bosen ya scara makan juga dikit2..
cuman makan yg laen bole donkk..kaya rawon ke apa ke..
jadi gw memutuskan akan buat rawon setelah buntut yang di kulkas habis..

liburan masih lama selesainyaa...
masih 18 hari lagi...dan itu lama buat gw...lamaaaa banget...
gak tahan liburan kalo gak ngapa2in...
mendingan masuk aja deh ada kegiatan..ketemu temen juga...
bukannya di sini gak ada temen, cuman banyak yg lagi jalan2 ke luar negeri juga..
jadinya gw yg gak jalan2 ke luar negeri yah di rumah aja,,palingan jalan2 ke mall..
bosennn bgt ke mall...huhuhu

ohya, gw blakangan ini mikir pengen bgt potong rambut yang super duper pendek...
cuman...banyak bgt yg gk stuju...katanya sayang..
jadi gimana ya..apa taun depan? hmm bingungggg
kayanya asik de punya rambut pendek..cuman tar pas mau panjangnya itu
najis de harus bertaun2 kayanya nunggu panjang...

Senin, 27 Juli 2009


gw suka lagu dan liriknya.... tapi gw gak suka cowo2nya nyanyi2 sambil nari2 gitu..mending gak usah nari..hahahhaha gak tau knapa gw gak suka cowo nyanyi sambil nari.. kayanya gak enak aja liatnya hahahhaa :p

it's you,it's you
it's only you, it's you
i don't need another person, it's just you
even you ask me once more, it's just you
you might already have another love
but i can't help it, i can't turn around
in the moment i saw your eyes
in that moment my heart was captured by you
without regrets, i choose just you
that's right,it's you
oh i don't care what anyone anyone says
even if anyone anyone curse, i only look at you
even if i were born again, it's merely only you
even if time flows
even if i say that i love you a thousand times,
even if i say it ten thousand times
even if my heart burns so much that my mouth goes dry
even if i born again, it's merely only you
even if time flows
o o only for you....
i dont need any word, it just you
even if it's too late,it's just you
i know this love is wrong
but i cant give up, there's no way i can let you go
my cold lips keep calling for you
they cry out seeking your warmth
even though i call for you and get no answer, i'm still waiting
btw... gw gak bisa masukin itu video knapa ya lamaaaaa bgt ampe gak tahan deh...
mls bgt mana internetnya juga mati2 mulu..sialan de... huhu

Selasa, 21 Juli 2009

sick sick sick, why !!!!

been 58 days ago..
days so long..
time so long..
so slow..hh
it's the third day i got sick..
not just like ordinary sick...i got fever,headache,cough,and cold..
everybody suggest me go to the doctor..or hospital at least..cause many people also getting sick ,dunno why..
i dont have the feeling to go to doctor or hospital, cause i think nothing serious... later if getting worst then maybe i go to doctor...
after i got cold, dammit i think i got h1n1... i called my friend,merry.. she asking me if i vomiting or not, then i said no..then she said "no stupid, u didnt get h1n1"
arghh..i feel so relieved..think i'm going die... =='
when we get sick, ever feel that we need someone which we care about, we love about, to stay beside you? even for 1 minute?
i feel that feeling when my worst condition, at second day..
missing someone like crazy, oh god..
3 days of doing nothing
3days just sleep whole day
3 days in bed just watching AFC
like right now, also watch afc, which they showing about bagel!!!!
oooohhh i so want that...huhuhu
hope tomorrow getting better....
tired of getting sick

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009

hari yang menegangkan

hmm... hari ini hari yang sangat menegangkan menurut gw sih....
pertama,,, gw harus bayar uang kuliah semester 3 ini..dan hari ini tuh terakhir!
tapi gw tetep gak bisa bayar karena papi belum transfer uangnya ke rekening gw..
kesel donk..gimana nih kalo gw gak bayar hari ini katanya kan bisa bisa nanti gw cuti kuliahh!!!!!
gilaaaa!!! gak maooo ge cuti!!! 6 bulan mo ngapain coba!!! mati aja gw..
panik kan..tapi apaan, gw tuh udah bilang dari 4 hari yang lalu,, tapi gw yang disalahin katanya knapa baru ngomong 4 hari yg lalu lalala....
yang akhirannya tetep gw kalah dan akhirnya gw gak peduli lagi deh masalah itu bayaran..
pusing! bodo deh..
udah gitu les mandarin juga di komplainnn terus... mati deh...pusing gw lama2...
then after have some mandarin course, me with some friends go to yus tattoo and made some..me in the hand, and other friend in the hand too with an angel picture...like have some wings like somethin like that..me just a star..
ang the damn thing is like burnin,,it feel like burnin..and oso have to keep it from the parents....
so difficult coz mine have in the hand..huhuh
just hope that they wouldnt know until dunno when...

hari ini juga nuel ulang tahun, sempet kerumahnya sebentar makan nasi uduk, yah ngehormatin aja sih... abis itu lanjut cabut dari sana makan korea di darmawangsa situ ama bonyok..
gila mau makan aja susah,,,,musti hati2... gak tau ni ampe kapan pake tangan panjang dehh hahahaha

oh yaaa!!! harry potter juga! filnya gak sebagus yang dikiraaaa...
gw kira mah bagus bgt tapi ternyata gakk,, huhuhu
skrg tinggal nunggu mau ntn public enemies aja deh nih... hhhh

oh ya..hari ini juga menegangkan karena ritz carlton ama jw kena bom..
ya ampunnn knapa sih indonesia inii.....
uda tau bagus2 mu mau dateng ke sini,, knapa pake ada bom2an!!!!
knapa makin merusak indonesia aja sihhh jakarta lebih tepatnya...
mau jadi apa nantinyaaaa haia
makin lama makin rusak kannn!!!!
gara2 bom gw juga jadi gak bisa pergi2,,,
tadinya bsk mau pergi juga gak jadi...arghhhhhhhhh

jadi pasrah di rumah aja, internetan, chatting,msn, text messaging her,missing her, and hear some song...

Minggu, 12 Juli 2009

ice age3

kmarin kan nonton ice age sama meri ruth adri.. ber empat nih ceritanyaaaa
perdana nih ntn ice age3 yang 3d..
gak pernah sebelumnya ntn 3d!!!! jadi ni baru pertama kali ceritanyaaa... heheheh
nahhh uda donk ntn... gimana yah..gw sih rada puyeng yah..ato minus mata gw? kayanya gak mungkin juga scara mata gw normal de kayanya...
tapi bagusss lucu bgt tu filmmm, gila deh lucu abis..
apalagi baby mammoth nya.. ih imut banget! pas lagi baru lahir nya itu ihhhhhh lucu abissss
mati dehhh
nahh temen gw si timothy namanya.. dia bilang ke gw suruh bawa pulang tu kacamata...
nah gw pikir emang bisa di bawa pulang.. gw uda inget2 aja..
ehhh ternyata gak boleh di bawa pulang! gw taunya pas
pertama masuk bioskop, itu dikasi kacamata, nah mungkin gw terlalu deket ama pintu masuk jadinya bunyiii!!!
gw lgsg sdr kalo itu ada kaya sensor gitu kalo buat org nyuri tu kacamata jadi ketauan!
untung gw gak bawa pulang, masukin tas! bisa di tangkeppp kan bikin maluuuuu

la la la la bersihin kamarr

makin banyak ajah orang tua yang meninggal akhir2 ini knapa yaaaaaa
setelah yang kemarin ini meninggal , menyusul satu lagi dari keluarga saya...
oma nya shula.. shula itu saudaraku juga.. yah wajar sih udah umur 90 tahun juga!
n suami nya lagi kritis di rumah sakit.. wew..
trus satu lagi yang meninggal.. buyut gw dari pihak nyokap kandung..
waaww, skrg gw jadi gak punya buyut deh,... dua-duanya mninggal di tahun ini..
mungkin banyak bayi yang lahir kali ya tahun ini makanya jadi pada banyak juga yang mninggal?
ngaruh gak sih itu? hahahahaahha

hari ini gw beresin kamar.. biasa, rutinitas hari minggu itu beresin dan bersihin kamar..
laluuuu gilaa smua barang yang gak kepake ato emang yah buat pajang2 ajah gw rapihin masukin kardus, taro gudang..
skrg jadi rapihhhh kayanya gak banyak barang lagi di kamarr
hahahahha tapi jadi sepi gitu..
marilah kita lihat seminggu ke depan, apakah tetep kaya gini ato uda amburadul lagi? hmmm

Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

hurting too much, cant stand anymore

i'm crying util the last drop tears,
until there's no more tears left..
i'm hurting all inside
maybe u cannot see it, maybe i also wanna hide it,
dont want you to see it..
but i cannot pretend anymore, cannot pretend that everything is just fine, that my life is extremely good.
i cannot anymore..
i'm broken, i'm hurting,
feel like just wanna die
my life is so fucked up, my family so extremely terrible
for couple years,at least for this 19 years i'm holding on..
i'm asking, mom, why don't u love me?why u don't have time to look up for me? why you never call me ?why i must be the first one to look up to you? why you never care for me?
you must know that i try to love you even you don't love me,even it hurt my heart.
i also asking, dad, why you always push me into something i cannot do? why you always blame me if u do something wrong? why you never think what make me happy? why you always so selfish? why you look everthing, everyone about money?why cant u be just like everyone dad?that love her daughter with all of his heart, dont want the daughter sad, chatting with daughter, have some joke? why cant you?

it's killing me
i just cant stand anymore
i need to go, but this isnt the time
i need someone, who can take me away from all of this pain
i need someone which i dont need to pretend my happy face while inside i already broken enough..

hurt is it? loving someone?love the person you love not enough loving you??
yes it is.much.

Minggu, 05 Juli 2009

for someone

been 41 days since met you
everything change
i dont know why
that day, just one day,
cannot forget that day
but life seems better
i become more happier
even can't see you from close
even can't talk to you face to face
it is okay..
already lucky enough to know you.
it's a lie if i tell ppl its doesnt matter if i can't meet you
cause deep inside i do really want meet you for the second time
it's a lie if i tell ppl i'm not missin you
cause i missin u every day, every single moments
it's a lie if i tell ppl i dont care about you
cause i care,
never thought this would happen
tell me, what it is, this feeling,this mean
i rmb every things u like dat u said
banana , fruit cake , mc chicken
durian , black forest , lemon ice cream
mocha , dumpling , sour and hot food
cherry , stuff crust pizza, rainy day
yellow , cheese but not cheesecake , like to drink
purple , atmosphere of beach
cookies , limao syrup , view from your hostel

when it's your birthday, webcam with you
i'm so happy see you there happy celebrate with sam and the other
when you said you missin me for the first time,
never believe that you would miss me
when you said u worry about me cause i havent text you whole day
i'm so happy cause for me dat mean you think of me,,,
well, i'm just saying that u're mean so much..
never i felt this feeling like now, feeling like wanna try the best i can to do..
never i felt missin someone so much untill in my head i can see you beside me, smiling, and i just imagine hugging you cause i miss you so much..
just want u know that u are so special.

Sabtu, 04 Juli 2009

october,june,july, august,december

just see some test, people born at october,,usually they :

* loves to chat
* love People who love her/him back
* directly leads to the central problems
* Interesting and clever blandish
* Own and beauty in the outside
* Not like to lie or pretend
* Sympathetic
* like treat people as critical friend
* Always try to find friend
* Is easy to get hurt and also easy to 'recover'
* Temperamen bad
* Selfish
* Seldom helps unless requested
* imaginary
* easy affected by personal opinion
* dont matter of the opinion of others
* Emotional
* quick make decisions
* Great fortune
* adventurous, art, and literature works
* Said gentleman, loving and caring
* Romantic
* Easy-skinned and easily jealous
* really attention to other people
* prefer outdoor than indoor
* Fair and not biased
* Spendthrift and easily influenced
* Easily lose confidence

for june :

* Thinking that far with vision, strong
* Easily influenced by kindness
* Politely and said softly
* Having a lot of ideas
* Sensitive
* active thinking
* sometime not sure of doing something
* like to hold or delay something
* Voter and tend to only want the best
* temperamental
* Wacky humor and love
* like to jokes
* Having the ability to debate whether
* Sourish
* imaginary
* friendly person
* Abiding/respect in the regulation
* Ability to showing her/his characters
* Easy get hurt
* Easy fell ill
* love to make herself/himself beauty
* Bored easy
* Complainer
* It takes time for heal the broken heart
* knows and realize of brands
* Decision-makers
* Hard head/ mulish

for july :

* nice people
* Full of secret
* hard to measured and understood
* Taciturn(quiet person), except when tense
* Proud of themselves
* Having a reputation
* Easy to be appeased
* honest
* Care about other people.
* easy to received
* friendly
* Easy to get close
* Very emotional
* Temperamental and can not be predicted
* Mood changes easy and easy to hurt
* Perceptivity
* Sentimental
* Not avengeful
* forgivefull, but not easy to forget
* Not like the stuff that does not need to
* Ability to guide others both physically and mentally
* Sensitive and forms the image of oneself carefully
* likes attention and love
* Treat all people the same
* Standby sharp and always hold
* Assessing the observations through
* Hard worker

for december :

* Patriotic
* Active involvement in the game or interaction
* Poor patient and in a hurry
* Ambitious
* Effect in the organization
* Fun
* socializing
* love to be care
* like to be loved
* love to be praised
* honest and can be trusted
* Do not like to pretend
* easy get angry
* easy change personality
* not selfish
* proud of himself/herself
* have good sense of humor
* like joking
* dont like to be tamed
* logic
* loyal and faithfull

for august :
* love to joke
* Interesting
* Easy and very blandish attention
* brave and not easy to get scare / fear
* Firm and have the nature of leadership
* Know how to entertain people
* Magnanimous and too selfish
* proud of himself/herself
* Thirst compliment
* The spirit of the extraordinary
* Easy to get anger
* easy angry
* Easily jealous
* A good observer
* Always alert and becarefull
* Thinking fast
* Thinking independently
* love to lead
* Like dreaming
* Talented in the field of music, art, and defense
* Sensitive, in ways that are less fun
* Easy to fall ill
* Tend to hurry
* Must be quiet study
* Romantic
* Love and caring
* love to have many friends

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009


got new song from her.. and it is a nice song,
just put in the playlist on the top ♥
alive by black eyed peas----
feeling better after sleeping a while, cause before i have a feeling like i'm going sick,
but now better^^ maybe just too tired yesterday..hmmph ( tired sit in the car for almost 4 hours!) this because i have to pick up one of my friends that live so so far away, like in the end of jakarta! bekasi!!! almost bekasi timur!!omg..and go to the restaurant which is in rawamangun...too damn tired..
now gotta get ready.. some friends ask me join with them hanging out in sarinah,
and the other ask me join club in vertigo..
not going to club, doesnt have the feeling to go
so i choose go to sarinah,, have a cup of coffee and chat with them
wanna watch ice age 3D!!!! some frens said it's good, funny...
maybe next week go watch it..
short semester almost over, next week at tuesday think going will be MICE final
then another week at monday Marketing final exam, and in wednesday statistic final exam..
then holiday for a month!!dunno what i'm gonna do at holiday..wanna meet her,see her so bad but can't, still too early going back again ..so sad T.T hmmph
have 2 option.. go to bali or go to karimun island..
if dont go to bali, then go to karimun island^^ they said karimun is a nice place..
really nice place..this picture i took at google..
look nice rite???

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009


apa sih artinya teman..
iya gw punya banyak teman..
gw kenal banyak orang...
orang banyak kenal gw..
tapi setelah satu kata dari nyokap gw
"kayanya mami iat kamu gak punya sohib deh"
gw baru sadar..
pertama gw masih nyangkal dengan bilang
"punya kali,"
dan setelah dia bilang lagi dengan
"mana, siapa? kalo ada mah kamu juga udah sering pegi kali, mau kata sesibuk apapun pasti sering ketemu pegi bareng"
jantung serasa ditusuk...
bener juga kata dia..
gw jadi mikir..
gw ternyata gak punya temen yang bisa bener2 sedeket itu, yang kalo apa2 pasti ke dia, jalan bareng, yah gitu2 deh..
slama ini gw nganggep ada sih satu ato dua orang yg gw pikir temen deket gw,,,
tapi pikir deh..
kalo emang dia nganggep gw temen deket nya,, dia pasti cerita2 donk ama gw..
ini gak, dia kaya punya dunia sendiri..gw mau cari dia aja susah bgt..
seakan akan kaya dia emang ngerti gw, dan gw berusaha untuk mau ngerti dia, tapi dia kaya menutup kehidupannya dari gw..gimana bisa dibilang sahabat kalo kaya gitu?
gw juga baru sadar knapa gw kesepian kaya gini..yah gitu .. gak ada yg bener2 deket sama gw ..
gw berfikir buat cari solusi cari temen bae..
tapi..salah satu temen gw bilang buat apa kaya gitu, nikmatin aja..slama masih punya temen juga kan..
iya juga sih..gw nikmatin aja