Jumat, 10 Juli 2009

hurting too much, cant stand anymore

i'm crying util the last drop tears,
until there's no more tears left..
i'm hurting all inside
maybe u cannot see it, maybe i also wanna hide it,
dont want you to see it..
but i cannot pretend anymore, cannot pretend that everything is just fine, that my life is extremely good.
i cannot anymore..
i'm broken, i'm hurting,
feel like just wanna die
my life is so fucked up, my family so extremely terrible
for couple years,at least for this 19 years i'm holding on..
i'm asking, mom, why don't u love me?why u don't have time to look up for me? why you never call me ?why i must be the first one to look up to you? why you never care for me?
you must know that i try to love you even you don't love me,even it hurt my heart.
i also asking, dad, why you always push me into something i cannot do? why you always blame me if u do something wrong? why you never think what make me happy? why you always so selfish? why you look everthing, everyone about money?why cant u be just like everyone dad?that love her daughter with all of his heart, dont want the daughter sad, chatting with daughter, have some joke? why cant you?

it's killing me
i just cant stand anymore
i need to go, but this isnt the time
i need someone, who can take me away from all of this pain
i need someone which i dont need to pretend my happy face while inside i already broken enough..

hurt is it? loving someone?love the person you love not enough loving you??
yes it is.much.

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